Serve on Sundays at


Jesus teaches us to love and serve each other. The reality is that we love and serve in many different ways and in different places. We serve our families, our co-workers, and our neighbors.  Serving your church family isn't the only place you live a life of service,  but it is so vital to the work of our community. If you consider Union Chapel your home, we'd love for you to prayerfully consider how you could serve this community that you consider family.


Read through these descriptions below and feel free to contact a group leader at any time!

It's no secret that there are lots of kids at Union Chapel. We are so fortunate to have the opportunity to pour into our children and help nurture their relationships with God.  We believe there is so much to be gained by spending time with these kids.  As the largest ministry at UC, we have lots of needs, but our desire is that this would be a place where God uses you and blesses you.  

Tasks:  The tasks of our children’s workers are varied but generally involve receiving children, and safely and lovingly guiding them through the lessons and activities. Some of the more specialized tasks include leading teams, teaching/storytelling, and preparing the craft.

Time commitment: Typically one service two Sundays a month.  


Contact Molly Evans for more info.